Practice Rooms

In all three buildings of the HfM Würzburg there are practice rooms that can be used by the students.

In the Hofstallstraße building, the seminar rooms can be used for practicing outside class hours. Reservations are made via lists displayed on the doors to each room. A room can be reserved for a maximum of two hours.

There are 25 rooms with pianos or grand pianos available to students at Bibrastrasse. These rooms can be reserved online at''. Personal user data is required for registration, which can also be used to log into the university's WLAN and mailbox.

In the Bibrastraße there are also some practice rooms equipped with a harpsichord, forte piano or a computer with listening software. Access to these must be arranged with the lecturers, who can instruct that the rooms be unlocked.

Two practice rooms are available in the Residence Square building, which can also be booked online. In addition, students can also use the classrooms for practice outside class hours if they have the written consent of the respective teacher. Students who have received consent from their teachers must first contact Mr. Mitnacht or Mr. Röhner from the building administration in order to gain access to the rooms.