Staff Council
On the basis of Art. 69, Bavarian Staff Representation Act (BayPVG)*, the Staff Council performs the following general tasks:
- To request measures that serve the department and its employees,
- to ensure that the laws, ordinances, collective agreements, service agreements and administrative orders applicable in favor of the employees are implemented,
- to receive suggestions and complaints from employees and, if they appear justified, to work towards their settlement by negotiation with the head of the department,
- to promote the integration of severely disabled persons and other persons in need of protection, in particular older persons, into the department and to ensure employment appropriate to their skills and knowledge; the representative body for severely disabled persons shall be heard before a decision is made,
- to apply for measures for the professional advancement of severely disabled persons; the representative body for severely disabled persons shall be heard before a decision is made,
- to promote the integration of foreign employees into the company and the understanding between them and the German employees,
- to cooperate closely with the youth and trainee representatives to promote the interests of employees within the meaning of Art. 58 Para. 1,
- to pay attention to the equal treatment of women and men in recruitment, employment, training, further training and career advancement and to apply for appropriate measures.
*(BayPVG of November 11, 1986, in the version of April 10, 2007)