University Council (Hochschulrat)
The University Council consists of the elected members of the Senate and nine personalities from science, culture, business and professional practice. It is one of the central organs of the university and has a term of office of four years. Among other things, the University Council adopts the basic regulations and their amendments by statute, elects the president and the other members of the university management except the chancellor.
The members of the governing board and the women's representative participate in the meetings without voting rights; the Ministry of State is invited to the meetings.
External members
External members
Thomas Rietschel
Member of the University Council | Cultural Consultant | former President HfMdK Frankfurt/main
Internal members
Representatives of the professors
Advisory members by virtue of office
Prof. Dr. Andreas C. Lehmann
Vice President | Systematic Musicology | Studies, Teaching and International Affairs (VPL)
Prof. Clara Blessing
Vice President | Historical double reed instruments | Artistic practice, networking and diversity (VPB) | Deputy Chairwoman of the Musical Academy
Prof. Jürgen Ruck
Vice President | Guitar | Specialist group spokesperson Guitar | Artistic practice, quality management and promotion (VPR)