Strategic mission statement of the HfM Würzburg
On the basis of the results of a Senate working group, the Executive Board of the University of Music Würzburg adopted the following strategic mission statement on May 13, 2015. It was adopted by the Senate on 23.06.2015.
The University of Music Würzburg is a place where skills and abilities as well as competencies for the present and the future are developed, passed on and critically reflected upon while upholding the principle of freedom of art and science, research, teaching, and study.
The members of the university see themselves as essential cultural carriers of both the city and the region and beyond. Through joint projects with domestic and foreign institutions, through competitions, master classes and through public concerts and lectures, they pursue a high-profile enrichment of cultural life in its entirety.
The School of Music maintains intensive contact with its graduates, because it sees alumni work as a constitutive element for the institution and for quality assurance.
Goals and Tasks
The University of Music Würzburg offers education and training on a high artistic, artistic-pedagogical and scientific level with the aim of enabling students to successfully enter professional life and to actively shape cultural life.
Under these objectives, it sees itself at the intersection of tradition and innovation in confrontation with the professional profiles that have been dynamized by social and cultural changes, in order to further develop the teaching/learning programs appropriately.
This includes both the development of individual artistic-musical excellence through intensive personal support and the development of broadly diversified artistic-pedagogical qualification profiles as well as scientific competence through an appropriate teaching/learning offer.
The supra-regional promotion of musical talents is a constitutive element, ensured by a comprehensive teaching/learning offer.
Learning is an essential tool for acquiring education and thus for shaping individual opportunities in life and work. Lifelong learning perpetuates the further development of the artistic and artistic-pedagogical personality and is promoted by the HfM.
The University of Music Würzburg recognizes the diversity of musical practices and is highly committed to intercultural dialogue. Consolidation and further development of international cooperation is an essential element of the university's strategic efforts.
Quality standards
Through methods and procedures for quality management and teaching development, the Würzburg University of Music ensures the achievement of its goal of providing education and training at a high artistic, pedagogical and scientific level.
University of Music Würzburg, 23.06.2015
Mission Statement Teaching at the University of Music Würzburg
Excellence in social responsibility
The University of Music Würzburg (HfM) is a place where music and its mediation are experienced, researched and presented together, music-related competencies are learned, practiced and further developed. The focus is on the person making music and on music as art and existential experience. While respecting the principle of freedom of art and science, research, teaching and study, a professional, creative examination of all contents takes place.
The HfM Würzburg sees itself as a cultural carrier and mediator. It is committed to and responsible for its role in tradition and innovation. In this way, it makes a significant contribution to the significance and diversity of music-related cultural practices in society.
The HfM Würzburg continues to develop its study programs in a continuous process of confrontation with the socially and culturally conditioned changes in the relevant professional fields.
The HfM Würzburg offers education with the highest artistic, pedagogical and scientific standards. This includes the development of individual excellence through intensive personal support as well as the development of broadly diversified artistic, pedagogical and scientific qualification profiles and competence through a high-quality, differentiated teaching/learning program. The goal of all study programs is to promote the development of students into independent, responsible and reflective personalities.
Regional, national and international cooperation
Networking and cooperation at the institutional level, as well as at the level of teachers and students, both nationally and internationally, are important cornerstones of the HfM Würzburg's university strategy efforts. Through regional networking, the HfM Würzburg lives up to its responsibility as a regional cultural institution and thus also enriches the promotion of young talent and its own study programs.
Quality criteria of teaching
- Interculturality / Diversity
The HfM Würzburg is an institution where people from different cultural contexts and groups in society meet and work together. It recognizes the diversity of musical practices and is committed to an intercultural dialogue. The resulting opportunities and challenges are dealt with sensitively in order to promote exchange and mutual understanding. - Competence orientation
Teaching and learning are oriented, depending on the respective course of study, in particular to the desired competence profile of the students. This includes professional and methodological competencies, as well as personal and social-communicative competencies. The studies at the HfM Würzburg should also open up a protected space for the students in which they can experiment and test themselves without existential or market pressures. In doing so, curiosity for new things is awakened and sensitivity for music-related processes is increased. - Quality Management
Through methods and procedures of quality management and teaching development, the HfM Würzburg ensures the achievement of the study goals and thereby enables students and teachers to have a say in the further development of the study program. Compliance with artistic, pedagogical and scientific standards is continuously evaluated and guaranteed. The guidelines (Code of Conduct, Equal Opportunity Concept, Guidelines for Appointment Procedures, etc.), which are developed in collegial committees and discussed on a broad basis, secure the framework conditions for the quality of teaching at the HfM Würzburg. -
Lifelong learning and alumni
In the understanding of the HfM Würzburg, learning does not stop after graduation, because lifelong learning is a prerequisite for the best possible design of life and work paths. Lifelong learning perpetuates the further development of individual competence profiles and personalities and is actively promoted by the university through integrated further education measures. The HfM Würzburg maintains contact and exchange with its graduates. It sees this as a constitutive element for the institution and for quality assurance. - Musicians' health
Raising students' awareness of health aspects in the context of the respective study profile is of particular relevance. This is achieved through a wide range of physiologically and psychologically oriented seminars, physical courses and individual work, as well as through individual medical and psychological consultations with experts. In this way, students also receive support and assistance in the event of personal problems and crises related to their studies.
Conditional factors for teaching and learning
Shared responsibility and respectful interaction
Teachers and students take joint responsibility for the success of teaching and learning. Teachers treat students with respect and enable them to take responsibility and actively participate in shaping their studies. Accordingly, students share responsibility for their studies, through active participation in courses, continuous dialogue and constructive feedback, but also through their involvement and participation in academic self-administration or university committees. -
Forms of Learning
In addition to individual instruction as a central component of artistic training, studies at the HfM Würzburg include instruction in small groups, in seminars, and in lectures; there are also diverse, stylistically broad ensemble offerings, concert and mediation projects, instruction of model classes, and master classes. Self-responsible learning and a variety of methods are already anchored in the module plans. Extensive elective options, individual projects as part of the core curricula, research-based and experimental learning, and independent work in groups ensure a high level of relevance to the professional world. -
The HfM Würzburg deals creatively and reflectively with the opportunities and challenges of digitization. A high degree of information competence in studying, teaching and administration is aimed for. The IT structures required for this are guaranteed. -
Premises and equipment
The HfM Würzburg provides its teachers and students with excellent premises (classrooms and over-rooms, opera theater, concert halls, library, recording studio, studio for experimental and electronic music, computer rooms, etc.) and instrumental and technical equipment (or similar) to ensure optimal conditions for successful study. -
Administration and teaching of the HfM Würzburg work together in a committed and efficient manner. The members of the administration see themselves as competent contact persons for the teaching staff with the aim of supporting successful teaching and learning. The service facilities and the infrastructures for studying and teaching are continuously reviewed and adapted to changing requirements. The HfM Würzburg supports this development through process-oriented quality management in teaching, studies and administration.
Teachers at the University of Music Würzburg
Artistic, pedagogical and scientific activity of the teachers
The HfM Würzburg gives its teachers sufficient freedom for their professional development. In this context, the own active practice of the profession of musician, teacher or scientist in regional, national and international networks is regarded as an important prerequisite for good teaching, topicality and professionalism. -
Further education of teachers
The HfM Würzburg actively promotes the further education of its teachers in higher education didactics, on the one hand through activities at the university, on the other hand through the possibility of taking advantage of offers outside.
University of Music Würzburg, 02.07.2019