Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027

and ERASMUS Declaration on Higher Education Policy

The Institution undertakes to:

  • Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion set out in the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • Ensure equal and equitable access and opportunities to current and prospective participants from all backgrounds, paying particular attention to the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities.
  • Ensure full automatic recognition of all credits (based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System – ECTS) gained for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility.
  • Charge no fees, in the case of credit mobility, to incoming mobile students for tuition, registration, examinations or access to laboratory and library facilities.
  • Ensure the quality of the mobility activities and of the cooperation projects throughout the application and implementation phases.
  • Implement the priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme:
    • By undertaking the necessary steps to implement digital mobility management in line with the technical standards of the European Student Card Initiative.
    • By promoting environmentally friendly practices in all activities related to the Programme.
    • By encouraging the participation of individuals with fewer opportunities in the Programme.
    • By promoting civic engagement and encouraging students and staff to get involved as active citizens before, during and after their participation in a mobility activity or cooperation project.
(Auszug aus der Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027)

ERASMUS-Erklärung zur Hochschulpolitik

Die Hochschule für Musik Würzburg ist eine Institution, in der Menschen unterschiedlichster Herkunft, aus unterschiedlichen Gruppen der Gesellschaft, aus verschiedenen Regionen, mehr als 40 Nationen und kulturellen Zusammenhängen sowie in verschiedenen Funktionen einander begegnen und miteinander arbeiten. Durch die damit sich ausbildende Vielfalt an Gedankenwelten wird der Lehr-und Forschungsbetrieb bereichert. Die Hochschule erkennt die Diversität musikalischer Praxen an und sieht sich in hohem Maße dem interkulturellen Dialog verpflichtet.

(Auszug aus der ERASMUS-Erklärung zur Hochschulpolitik)