Building services

Unit 5 Technology

Ground and building management | Management of the energy supply for electricity, water, steam | Disposition of technical requirements | Supervision of construction measures | Repairs | Care of maintenance contracts and the required inspections (TÜV) | Management of keys and access control system | Supervision of external cleaning | Maintenance of outdoor facilities | Technical supervision of HfM events | Occupational safety officer in accordance with § 11 ASiG | Housekeeping, mail and errands | Officer service with print shop


Building services


Camilo Goitia

Building services (am Residenzplatz)

Matthias Horling

Head of building services

Nathan Löwen

Building services (Hofstallstraße)

Helmut Mitnacht

Building services (Hofstallstraße)

Hans Jürgen Röhner

Entrance Gate Hofstallstraße

Thomas Schreck

Building services (Bibrastraße | am Residenzplatz)