student services


Students who are not on leave (except parental leave, etc.) can take examinations. For this, a timely registration is required. The registration deadlines for the prescribed module examinations, which are listed, for example, in the module plans, FsB and SsB, are announced in our online calendar, among other places.

With the exception of a written term paper, a record must be prepared for each examination. The examination protocols can be found on the'Downloads' website.

Examinations are registered in MyCampus in the respective semester. Exceptions to this are the BA and MA theses and the elective module. (see special features).

Passing examinations

An examination is passed if the examination performance meets the requirements and, in the case of grading, was assessed as at least "sufficient" (grade 4.0).

An examination is also deemed to have been failed (grade 5.0) if, for reasons for which the student is personally responsible, registration was not completed on time or the examination was not taken or was discontinued despite timely registration.

Repetition of examinations

A failed examination can be repeated once. A second module repeat examination is only possible once.

Module group KK and Fine
examinations can only be repeated once.

It is not possible to repeat an examination part.

A failed examination must be repeated within six months. This also applies to students who are on leave of absence or exmatriculated during this period.

Special features

Illness, withdrawal, postponement

Anyone who is ill on the day of the examination must present a medical certificate stating that they are unable to take the examination on that day. In the event of repeated illness, a medical certificate from the public health department is required. Please only use the form for certification of inability to take an examination. Hand in the form to the doctor.

Students who have registered to take an examination before the semester specified in the SsBs / FsBs (bringing forward examinations) can withdraw their registration up to 4 weeks before the respective examination date (withdrawal).

Students who have registered to take an examination in the semester determined by the SsB / FsB can apply to postpone the examination to the next semester up to 4 weeks before the respective examination date, stating reasons for which they are not responsible (withdrawal).

Please use the form on the website.

Students must independently ensure that all module examinations are taken within the standard period of study. If students do not take a module examination without a valid reason and do not report a postponement, it is not possible to postpone an examination beyond the standard period of study. The examination must be assessed as failed for the first time (grade 5.0).

Crediting and recognition of periods of study as well as study and examination achievements

Crediting and recognition is done on a module-by-module basis. Recognition or crediting always requires an application, as recognition or crediting does not take place ex officio. All students admitted to and enrolled in a degree program are eligible to apply.

The application period is four weeks. It begins with the enrolment at the university or with the return from a semester abroad, but at the earliest with the provision of the certified service. Recognition during an ongoing examination procedure is not possible. Recognition is no longer possible after the deadline.

In the case of a double degree program, an examination taken does not automatically count for both degree programmes. Here is an example:

1st degree programme: Bachelor of Music violin artistic
2nd degree programme: Bachelor of Music violin artistic-pedagogical

If you wish to have academic achievements from the 1st degree programme recognized for the 2nd degree programme and/or vice versa, the deadlines must be observed.

Recognition of ECTS

For all modules that conclude with an examination, the ECTS credits achievable in the respective module are awarded upon successful completion of the examination. It is not necessary to submit certificates or attestations. Exceptions are

Compulsory attendance in university ensembles
In university ensembles with compulsory attendance (university orchestra, university choir, chamber choir, big band, ensemble for early and new music, baroque orchestra, wind philharmonic orchestra and kü-pä ensemble to the extent of the ECTS credits specified in the SsBs and FsBs, successful participation and thus the award of ECTS credits is achieved by submitting a certificate to the Examinations Office.

Modules not completed through examinations
This applies, for example, to minors and specialization modules in Master's degree courses. Certificates of successful completion and thus the awarding of ECTS credits must still be submitted for these modules.

Failure to complete the degree program

Bachelor's or master's programme
The right to take the examination was lost due to exceeding the deadlines if an extension of the deadline was not granted or at least one module examination was definitively failed.

One of the examination parts was not passed.

Rechtliche Grundlagen

Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der einzelnen Studiengänge finden Sie hier.