Changes in higher education policy over the past 20 years have presented new challenges for universities. Among the biggest changes are the switch to the two-tier modularized study system and the implementation of quality assurance measures. Quality assurance looks at the university as a whole, with all its stakeholders, members and departments.
About 300 professors, teaching staff, employees in science, research, teaching, administration and external lecturers work at the HfM Würzburg. Their task is to educate young musicians at the highest level musically, scientifically and pedagogically and to accompany them in this crucial phase of their lives.
The staff unit develops and implements quality assurance instruments that can be used to prove whether this goal is being achieved and implemented in a suitable and optimal manner. The central instruments here are internal accreditation (program audit), program development, and evaluation in teaching and learning. The focus of the evaluation is on feedback instruments for students, which are intended to enable them to express their views on teaching and learning in a protected setting.