On Friday, 14 February 2025, all prospective students can find out about the content and structure of our degree programmes at our Info Day, check the status of their theoretical knowledge with regard to the entrance examination and the degree programme, arrange one-to-one interviews to obtain individual clarification from subject teachers about study conditions and degrees and get to know the HfM Würzburg from a student perspective in discussions with members of the student representatives. Prospective students from other countries also have the opportunity on this day to find out about the requirements for studying in Germany, language certificates and the necessary formalities.
If you would like to take part in information events on the structure and content of the degree programmes and/or introduce yourself to specialist lecturers, please use the online form for the information day to register (registration deadline: 07.02.2025). This will make the organisational preparations easier.
We look forward to seeing you!
Daily program
The programme for the Info Day on 14 February 2025 will be finalised in the coming weeks.
For your planning purposes, you can already take into account that we will begin at 10:15 a.m. with a welcome from the university management. During the course of the day, information events on the individual degree programmes and ‘taster offers’ (e.g. building tours, exchanges with students, etc.) will be timed so that there are as few overlaps as possible between information offers that are of interest to you.
You can already find out about the concerts planned for 14 February.
Special Information Offers
Welcome Jazz Days
For prospective students in the field of jazz, the department offers specially designed ‘Welcome Jazz Days’ on 14 and 15 February 2025. You can take part on both days or on one of the two days.
To register, please use the corresponding registration form.
Tage der offenen Tür Schulmusik
Open days for school music
Supplementary information offers:
In the run-up to the HfM Würzburg Info Day, from 20 to 14 January 2025, prospective students who are interested in studying to become a teacher can get to know the people, facilities and content related to their study goal during the ‘School Music Open Days’.
Zoom for prospective students from other countries
For prospective students from other countries who cannot be at the HfM on the information day, the International Office will offer a digital information event via ZOOM on the topic of ‘Studying at the HfM Würzburg’. The International Office will provide potential applicants who are still abroad with comprehensive information about the requirements for studying in Germany and at the HfM (visa issues, financial matters, language requirements) and answer questions on these topics.