Chamber music
Master of Music in Performance
With the chamber music major in the master's program Music in Performance, the University of Music Würzburg offers a consecutive study program after a bachelor's degree or a comparable undergraduate degree. The program is aimed at both existing ensembles and individual musicians.
The excellent and practice-oriented training of the lecturers is dedicated to all facets of the chamber music literature. In the major (100 LP), students work on complete chamber music works in fixed and/or different ensemble formations from various stylistic periods with the goal of performing the developed repertoire in the public concert series of the specialist group Chamber Music. Thus, each ensemble performs at least one entire public concert per semester in the above-mentioned concert series. The second educational focus is the production of sound recordings and/or videos.
In preparation for the chamber music profession, the University of Music Würzburg offers the Minor Professionalization (20 LP). It contains mainly the areas of performance training, concert moderation, program design and self-marketing. However, a minor in solo performance or minor in music research can also be chosen instead.
(Note: Performance point (LP) = credit point according to the ECTS, 1 LP corresponds to the workload of 30 hours).