
Study program: PhD
Duration of studies: -
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.)

Doctoral Regulations

The HfM Würzburg has the right to award doctorates in the subjects of music pedagogy, music theory and musicology, whereby the doctorate is awarded in cooperation with a university. This degree is open to students who have successfully completed their studies in a university degree program, a master's degree program at a university of applied sciences, or in music pedagogy (music teacher training programs), music theory, or musicology. Subsequently, it is possible to obtain the degree of Dr. phil. after submitting a written thesis with high scientific standards as well as a disputation.

For further information on the requirements and the procedure, please refer to the valid doctoral regulations.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Henzel

Historical Musicology | Division Speaker Musicology/Musician Medicine
Building: Bibrastraße | Room: B 114
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