
The violin program in the Bachelor of Arts in Artistic and Artistic Pedagogy offers a wide range of teaching opportunities: 90 minutes of private lessons per week, correpetition, regular class auditions, orchestral studies, chamber music lessons, orchestra and ensemble playing, subject-related theory, Feldenkrais and Alexander Technique, etc., depending on the field of study, teaching practice, methodology and didactics. It is complemented by master classes given by prominent violinists and pedagogues.

The HfM Würzburg attaches great importance to practical relevance and offers ideal training conditions with its own premises and halls. Symphony concert programs and opera productions are rehearsed and publicly performed here. Class evenings, several concert series and ensemble productions in cooperation with the departments of Chamber Music, Early Music and New Music offer further performance opportunities.

The goal is to create the best possible conditions for our graduates to successfully assert themselves in their professional lives, whether as soloists, chamber or orchestral musicians, or as instrumental teachers.

Prof. Korbinian Altenberger

Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 108

Prof. Klaus Lieb


Prof. Sören Uhde

Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 109

Prof. Tianwa Yang

Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 105

Prof. Herwig Zack

Telephone: +49 9321 36308
Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 107