
The core of the bachelor's degree program in saxophone is the individual lessons of 90 minutes per week. On the basis of original saxophone literature, basic technical and musical skills are professionalized, but also the basics of contemporary music are developed. In addition, arrangements lead to familiarity with styles from Baroque to Romantic. Other events accompanying the core subject are class lessons, auditions and concerts, correpetition as well as lessons in the supplementary instrument soprano, tenor or baritone saxophone with specialized lecturers. Master classes with external lecturers, courses on mental training, body awareness and musician's medicine round off the program.

Students have access to high-quality rental instruments ranging from soprano to bass saxophones. Chamber music initiatives, such as playing in a saxophone quartet, receive support and supervision from the major teacher or professors in the chamber music department. In the large saxophone ensemble, students study, among other things, arrangements of orchestral works that feature saxophone parts in the original, in preparation for the more common orchestral parts. In addition, students have the opportunity to play in the college's symphony orchestra, symphonic wind orchestra, and also in the New Music Ensemble.

Since for students of the saxophone, in addition to working as freelance artists, employment as an instrumental teacher also represents an important career perspective, the choice of the artistic-pedagogical bachelor's program is strongly recommended.

Prof. Lutz Koppetsch

Saxophone | Section spokesperson woodwind instruments
Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 203

Joaquin Saez Belmonte

Soprano Saxophone
Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H 205

Dr. Frank Elbert

Didactics of Saxophone | Wind Orchestra Practice

Simon Hanrath

Tenor Saxophone | Saxophone (School Music)