Baroque trumpet (natural trumpet) is offered as both a core subject (90 minutes weekly) and a minor subject (approximately 60 minutes weekly). The goal of the lessons is to learn the playing technique of valveless trumpets as well as the interpretation of trumpet literature from the beginning of the 17th century to the middle of the 19th century.
The emphasis is on the music of the Baroque period with special attention to improvisation and ornamentation. In addition, the playing of the high baroque slide trumpet (double-wind slide) is offered. Another important aspect of the course is regular work in the baroque trumpet ensemble.
The core subject study is generally aimed at students of modern trumpet with a bachelor's or master's degree who already have a minimum of previous training on the baroque trumpet. Since the natural trumpet is also becoming increasingly relevant in today's cultural orchestras, a further focus of the course is the preparation of auditions for natural trumpet.