Church music (ev./cath.)

Degree programme: Church Music (Protestant/Catholic)
Duration of study: 8 semesters (240 ECTS)
Degree: Bachelor's programme (B. Mus.)

Program-specific regulations (incl. module plans) | Module Handbook

Qualification goals Church Music

The bachelor's degree program in church music (Protestant/Catholic) rests on the three pillars of organ literature performance, practical worship improvisation, and choral conducting. The organ is the link to everything.

In numerous excursions and concert performances on historical and contemporary organs, emphasis is placed on teaching historical references. More in-depth courses are offered especially in the area of historical performance practice, but also in jazz and popular music, depending on preference.

Numerous students take advantage of the courses offered by both denominations and also receive two certificates for this. Furthermore, there are various combination possibilities with other courses of study. The career prospects are currently very good, since the open positions are matched by only a few graduates.

KMD Prof. Dr. h.c. Christoph Bossert

Organ | Organ/Church Music Section Spokesperson
Building: Hofstallstraße | Room: H Orgelraum