Cooperation agreement between the Fränkischem Sängerbund and unversities of music
In order to promote singing and music-making in kindergartens and elementary schools, the universities of music in Nuremberg and Würzburg have signed a cooperation agreement with the Fränkischem Sängerbund (FSB).
The goal is to hold regular continuing education events for kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers, music teachers and choir directors.
Prof. Doris Hamann (University of Music Nuremberg) and Prof. Michael Forster (University of Music Würzburg) are in charge of the project, together with students of elementary music education from both universities. It is of great interest to the universities to further consolidate and strengthen musical work with children as an important part of music education. "In addition, it is a great opportunity for students in the higher semesters to gain initial experience in further education work," says Michael Forster.
The president of the Fränkischem Sängerbund, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Brusniak, emphasizes the importance of the cooperation:
"With the music universities, we have been able to gain highly competent partners who underline our desire to provide professional and custom-fit offers in all fields of singing together." "For our choir federation, the cooperation is another essential building block in the effort to actively support and accompany singing at every age," emphasizes FSB national choir director Gerald Fink.
"The most important and complex instrument is the voice," emphasizes FSB advanced training coordinator Wolfram Brüggemann, and singing together in a choir "is simply fun and promotes and strengthens social skills." And precisely this "is more important than ever."